The Guyver - Bio-booster Armour (series)


Overview: The Guyver is the ultimate weapon, a mysterious mecha of alien design, when activated the unit interfaces with human subjects, transforming them into powerful combatants. Guyver 1 is accidentally discovered by a young student, Sho, who triggers the units control mechanism and is transformed into the Guyver. He faces battle against the deadly Zoanoids controlled by the evil Chronos corporation.

Anime Direct Comments: This is the ultimate in classic action anime. There has even been a  live action movie (a crappy one) created based on this story. The story is detailed, the action is intense with great epic-battle scenes between Guyvers, and the animation is excellent. If you want to see a great old school anime movie that will rock you, Guyver is it!     Rating:    5 out of 5

Age Restriction:      15   (no under 15)

Title: The Guyver - Data 1 - 4

Comments: Data 1: Genesis of the Guyver  ;  Data 2: Battle of the Guyvers ; Data 3: Mysterious Shadow -  Guyver 3 ; Data 4: Attack of the Hyper Zoanoid-Team 5.

Formats Available: Video Cassette only (VHS)

Price:   R80-00  on cassette

Title: The Guyver -  Data 5 - 8

Comments: Data 5: The Death of the Guyver ; Data 6: Terminal Battle - The Fall of Chronos Japan ; Data 7: The Battle Begins ; Data 8: The Lost Unit.

Formats Available:  Video Cassette only  (VHS)

Price: R80-00

Title: The Guyver - Data 9 -12

Comments: Data 9: Transformation Tragedy; Data 10: Haunted Village ; Data 11: The Beastmaster; Data 12: Reactivation

Formats Available: Video Cassette only (VHS)

Price:   R80-00 on cassette