Anime Direct South Africa are importers of anime to South Africa, delivered to your door. We regularly receive the latest kick-ass animation from Japan on various formats as well as posters, models, figurines, graphic novels and other collectables. We stock titles on DVD , VCD, and video cassette (VHS) therefore catering for anyone out there. Being that we mainly deal in anime, we boast the largest selection in South Africa.  Anime direct South Africa also stock Hong Kong Martial arts movies from Jet Li & Jackie Chan classics to awesome modern titles, as well as Chinese Martial arts instructional videos.

 We believe in supplying the best quality products to you and offer a money back guarantee if you are not fully satisfied with your purchase. Items can be ordered and delivered to you within a matter of days, no matter where you are in South Africa. If we don't have a specific title that you are looking for it can be ordered (within a certain time frame).  So make Anime Direct South Africa YOUR number one source for all your Asian entertainment needs!!! 

Firstly, let me give you a brief overview about the different formats we offer;

DVD Video (Digital Versatile Disc): This format is becoming more and more popular today due to the superb picture and sound quality. All our DVD's we offer are either zone-less or are zoned for use on S.A Zone 2 (unless otherwise stated) DVD players.

VCD Video (Video CD): This format is extremely popular in Asia, its picture and sound quality is superior to VHS but not as good as DVD. In SA , most people are used to seeing terrible quality on boot-legged titles, you will notice the difference with ours as they are originally authored for this format. Their quality is exceptional. A VCD can be played on a DVD player that says it supports the format, or on a PC (Pentium 1 or higher) through a media player, making this format extremely versatile.

VHS Video Cassette: This is the old faithful format of tape, all our titles are PAL (unless otherwise stated) so they can be watched on a South African video machine. Our videos are also Hi-Fi stereo for superior sound quality.


News & Updates

16/12/2002 - Being the Christmas Season and all,  we have put alot of items on special , they arent marked so you will have to check it out yourself, but huge savings are in the air!!! You can also thank the stronger rand for the price drops!! We also received stock of Tenchi the Movie 1, and the Vision of Escaflowne the complete series.  Anime Directs Christmas Season special mail order offer is = If your order is over R500-00 you will receive a free mystery gift (yep a movie not a booby prize!)