Iria - Zeiram the Animation
Title: Iria - Zeiram the Animation
Story: A trainee bounty hunter named Iria is trying to make her way in the bounty hunting business but is always overtaken by more experienced pig-headed bounty hunters. When a creature called Zeiram captures her brother she must go rescue hime , but the deeper she goes she finds a large corporation that is hiding Zeiram.
Anime Direct Comments: This is a set of 2 movies that tells the story. It kinda reminds me of battle angel and it is a solid story with a good plot. Rating: 4.5 out of 5 (Japanese audio with english sub-titles)
Age Restriction: 15 (no under 15)
Formats Available: Video CD (VCD) & Video Cassette (VHS).
Price; R70-00 on VCD ; R80-00 on Cassette