Macross (robotech)

Title: Macross - Super Dimensional Fortress (Robotech)

Anime Direct Comments:  This is the original Macross Saga , 36 episodes of the stuff you grew up on and love. This being the original Japanese version is uncut and in its original format (song and all!!) This is the series that made anime popular in the west and is considered the grand daddy of mecha anime.  Rating   5 out of 5

Age Restriction:    13  (no under 13)  (japanese audio with english sub-titles)

Formats Available:   Video CD (VCD)

Price:   R400-00 (complete box set)


Title: Macross Plus (complete series)

Anime Direct Comments:  It's Macross, it's amazing, it's what all mecha fans are waiting for!!! Nuff said!  Rating   5 out of 5

Age Restriction:    13  (no under 13)  (japanese audio with english sub-titles)

Formats Available:   Video CD (VCD)

Price:   R80-00