Robot Carnival (DVD)

Title: Robot Carnival

Story: How do I describe Robot Carnival? The word "different" springs to mind. To say it's unlike anything I've ever seen would be stretching it, but it's certainly unlike any anime I've seen. Robot Carnival contains seven animated films which range in quality from downright boring to incredibly compelling. The one common link is they all feature robots of some sort. The animation styles were all varied, but generally pretty good. Only two of the films actually contained any dialog, and the rest were set to music The music was also generally pleasant to listen to .Overall, Robot Carnival is a unique anime experience. If you're tired of all the conventional anime out there, grab a copy of this movie for something different.  7 out of 10

Age Restriction:  PG.

Technical Details:       Zone:   All

                                         Audio languages: Japanese

                                         Sub-Titles:  English or Chinese

                                         Status:  In-Stock

Price: R100-00  *!*On Promotion*!*