Title: Street Fighter Alpha - The Movie
Story: A dark cloud hangs over Ken and Ryu's reunion. Brought together by the mysterious death of their master, the two warriors must overcome a challenge unlike any they've faced before. Increasingly disturbed by the dark energies building within him, Ryu is unexpectedly confronted with the appearance of Shun, a boy claiming to be the long lost brother he never knew. Soon signs of their common lineage are revealed as Shun enters a martial arts competition and displays the same power of the dark hadou. But before Ryu has a chance to consider whether Shun's timely appearance might be more than coincidental, the boy is captured by agents of the insidious Shadowlaw Organization. To recover Shun, Ryu must undertake the ultimate journey of self-discovery and learn to control the power threatening to consume him. But with his confidence waning, will he have what it takes to confront Akuma- the vicious Lord of the Dark Hadou himself? Find out as allies, old and new, join forces against a sinister new threat!
Anime Direct Comments: This story is based on the games made after Street Fighter II, namely the Alpha (Zero) series. It has extremely good fight scenes with a good story, again explaining a lot of the video game history and the characters development. It has most of the characters from the Alpha series in it and has great animation. Personally, I am a big Street Fighter fan, but those who don't play the game also enjoyed this movie because it is great!!! Rating: 5 out of 5
Age Restriction: 15+ (no under 15)
Formats Available: Video CD (VCD) & Video Cassette (VHS)
Price: R70-00 on VCD ; R80-00 on cassette