
Title: Urotsukidoji - Legend of the Overfiend

Story: Legend has it that this world of ours really is three worlds, the world of the humans, the world of the man-beasts (Jyujinkai), and the nightmare world of monster-demons (Makai) who take on earthly forms to pour their mighty energies into the bodies of human girls. Every three thousand years comes the Super-fiend , the Chojin, whose destiny is to unite these three world into the Land of Eternity. But who is the Chojin? This is the question that Amano from the world of the man-beasts must answer. Is it Niki who was given a super-body by Suikakujyu, the fiend of madness and murder, and then uses it to take revenge on those who mocked his manhood. Or is it Nagumo, shyly in love with his fellow student Akemi, whose passionate loving is married by the horrible realization that his body has been invaded by demons. As Amano battles with the forces of the demon world in his quest for knowledge, he realizes what the Chojin's Land of Eternity will be....... a sickening place of horrendous violence, uncontrollable lusts and supernatural forces beyond the imagination. Is there any hope for humanity?  Will the Legend of the Overfiend come true??

Anime Direct Comments: Classic graphic horror that everyone has heard of. It is a heavy movie but it is just presented so well that it is an excellent title. Great direction and storytelling make this one a classic. It has applauded internationally despite it's content as one of the anime greats.   Rating:    5 out of 5

Age Restriction:   18   (no under 18)

Formats Available:   Video CD (VCD)     &     Video Cassette (VHS)

Price:         R70-00 on VCD     ;     R80-00 on cassette


Title: Urotsukidoji II - Legend of the Demon Womb

Story: Legend of the Demon Womb continues our hero Amanojaku's quest to seek out the super-fiend Chojin, destined to be the supreme ruler over all humans, Monster-Demons (the Makai), and man-beats (the Jyujinkai). Admittedly the shy Nogumo has been experiencing some abnormal twists in his personality, but can this clumsy kid really be the Chojin? And why is his good friend and cousin been acting so strangely since his blood transfusion? Amano's fears for humanity increase when Myuni Hausen Jr. an ambitious megalomaniac (and son of a Nazi diabolist) starts interfering. A control freak of the first order, Myuni begins to take more than a cursory interest in Takeaki. As the film reaches it's horrifying climax the fate of the world is precariously balanced. Will Myuni succeed in his evil manipulation of Takeaki? Will the three worlds ever be united into the Land of Eternity??

Anime Direct Comments:  This sequel is actually a prequel (prologue) into the Overfiend saga.   Rating:     4 out of 5

Age Restriction:   18   (no under 18)

Formats Available:   Video CD (VCD)     &     Video Cassette (VHS)

Price:         R70-00 on VCD     ;     R80-00 on cassette